James Manalisay

Holistic Practitioner

James has a 7 year holistic medical diploma from the East Bay Academy of Energetic Medicine, a private academy founded by Dr. Richard Fox, Dr Larry Gertler and Dr Richard Richman.  James also has special training with BodyType Diets and BodyType Personalities from Dr. Carolyn Mein.   With over 25 years of practice with over 1000 clients, James has helped families, professionals and children with resolving deep emotional blocks, traumas, allergies, infections, sabotage to success and spiritual imbalances which people experience as pain, fatigue, confusion, insomnia, low esteem, weight problems, early aging and poor life decisions which often appear as addictions, anxiety and self sabotage.

Get a phone consultation

 Our discoveries and method may can seem unconventional, confusing or confusing. For those who need a 30 minute consultation, we can guide you toward the ideal direction.  With 2 decades of experience, James can discuss your goals and concerns, then offer the most common direction to start working towards.

Purchase a $55 consultation, then book a time on our calendar

© 2008  James Manalisay (925) 255-5593  |  Email me